10 of the Best Boulder Restaurants If They Were Grateful Dead Songs
Patio at Owlsley’s Golden Road, The Hill, Boulder, CO (Honorable Mention) Oak at fourteenth I Need a Miracle “Thrill me to the marrow and I’m in that rendezvous” After perfecting their respective crafts in a number of the region’s finest […]

Fox News Uses the Language of Fascism in Fake News to Normalize Trump’s Authoritarian Agenda
So the first headline I saw in my news feed the other day about Loyalty Day was from Fox News – “Trump proclaims May 1 as ‘Loyalty Day’”. The article implies to the reader that this proclamation is an executive […]

The Business
We find ourselves all too frequently in product and engineering discussions referring to the needs of “the business” such as “the business” wants to move more quickly or “the business” needs this fast tracked as if “the business” is some […]

Header Bidding Guaranteed
The biggest innovation of header bidding, one which Andrew Casale was hinting at in his recent AdExchanger Op-ed, is the ability to gather advertising assets guaranteed to pay out a given CPM and use them as you see fit on […]

Uisge Beatha
From the erudite folks at Esquire a good explainer on my favorite subject and some interesting recommendations in all price ranges.
Why SSL for Ads Makes Perfect Sense
From James at Adzerk, here is a pretty interesting way to think of fighting ad fraud using the same trusted authorities and certificates used by SSL encryption for web pages. I’m pretty hopeful we’ll see some movement this direction in […]

The Good Stuff – When Is It OK to Market a Product as “Premium”
Simple wisdom. When you have one product and it is differentiated from the marketplace by quality, DO use the word Premium to describe your product. When you have multiple products of varying quality, DO NOT use the word Premium to describe your […]
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