Flatiron Chef

Food, Travel, Technology

Year: 2009

A Worthy Joust for Google?

Henry Blodget boldly writes the obituary for the latest Google competitor, the Wolfram Alpha Computational Engine, this morning in the Business Insider. Blodget is absolutely right as is this commentator that Google has too much of a head start and […]

Is it News or is it Paper?

Lively post this morning on Tech Crunch about the coming debut of paper sized e-readers, including a new Kindle, and whether these devices will save newspapers. Internet journalists have their long knives out more than ever for print journalists. It […]

The Three Goals of the Web

With the internet economy clearly in only the strong survive mode, I think it is helpful to review the internet business model at its most basic. Those executing this plan well will make money and survive. Those executing it poorly […]